Your general wealth-effect point is of course correct, but (per the earlier comment) is your cost comparison for renewables figuring in the full development and disposal cost of batteries to maintain a reliable power source?

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From what I can see in reports from Lazard, IRENA, and other sources, it does include the costs for battery storage and takes into account its lifetime. I'm not sure whether or not it includes disposal/recycling costs. Battery costs have also been falling a lot, and I think one of the big issues is the replacement of somewhat rare and/or problematic inputs, like cobalt.

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Your comments suggest that the Renewables Revolution is the answer to a clean energy transition away from fossil fuels. Michael Shellenberger, Time Magazine's "Hero of the Environment and energy/climate change expert, eloquently explained in a 2019 TEDXDanubia talk "Why renewables can't save the planet" in terms of total cost, reliability of energy supply produced, land and resources required, and safety.

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